
  End of January 2022 4 years in Bandon.   Police encounters In the 20 years I lived in the SF bay area and raised my kids, I had multiple encounters with the police down there.   In most of them it was to receive a traffic citation, and in most of them the policeman would talk down to me as if I was wasting his time, hand me the ticket and walk away.     On rare occasions I would encounter a policeman who was polite to me and treated me like a person. On one or two other occasions,  it would be because there was a disturbance on our street.    Even then police at most don't really get out of their car to talk to you.   You might get them to crack open their window and ask you  some questions.    Rightly or wrongly, they keep their distance from you. Bandon encounters have been mostly non traffic related, and mostly I think because I am a single guy living alone, or walking alone.    Like most things with guys, if you are with a woman or a dog or a baby, you are seen differently. 
Friday the 17th Here is an odd thing.      I was thinking on my life, and it's various chapters, and was struck by some of the parallels built within them. My life both in London and Technology can be described in pretty much the same structural terms.   beginning with a bit of bravado, followed by a minor deception then hard work to a point where I achieved a degree of independence and a degree of success to which I could be financially comfortable while at the same time never attaining complete financial success. London In London, I was young and fearless, and even though I was not legally allowed to work and live in the UK, I decided that that is what I wanted to do anyway.   I flew over there on a cheap flight at the age of 21, then walked into an NHI (National Health Index) office and asked for a NHI number and they gave me one, even though years later I was told they never should have given me one.     This NHI number is sort of like a social security number in America.     T
 Sunday. The third golf ball. I found 3 golf balls this past week, after having gone at least 10 years without finding one.   One along the ocean, which is understandable.  Maybe someone was hitting them into the sea.   Another one on buried in the grass on the high school track field.  Also understandable.    Someone probably practicing their swings. But the third one I found along the curb on a downtown street.   What are you doing there?    Did someone drop you?   Did you fall from a car?     Every object, whether animate or inanimate, has a story which the passing of time shields, and it is a shame.    They say the average rock that you might find on the ground has an average age of 3 billion years, and you know it would be fascinating to know where it comes from, how it got there.  To that spot.    You would think that every rock comes from a much larger rock, which itself came from a much larger rock, etc, etc.      I pick up a rock and hold it in my hand, and I feel like a ghost
 Almost Thanksgiving Aye ya ya I brushed my teeth twice this morning.     Completely forgot about the first time, even though it had just been a few minutes.   talks to Routine, and the body learning to put things on automatic, and you lose yourself in the back of your mind thinking of other things while your body performs its rote routine.    Like driving to work in the morning for the umpteenth time.   You get to work and you have no recollection of the commute you just took.    Home routines are the same.   What you do when you wake up.    What you do before you fall asleep.     Your body falls into the Routine, the Process, so that your mind can start to drift, and you think, wait, did I brush my teeth or not, and you realize you have been off thinking while your body already brushed your teeth for you. ********  I am reading a BOOK.    The first book in years.    Let me just say that I have never stopped reading, and probably spend 3 to 4 hours a day reading, but always on my phon
  November 9 I can do that. Back in Bandon area for two weeks now and falling into my old life, or rather the life I had built up, carved out for myself for the 3 plus years of living here before I took off for this past summer. And the old feelings come back of trying to find more of a life here.   Bandon is a beautiful coastal town, but it is very small, with not much to do, and in the past two weeks I am back in the pattern of looking for more.   I am up in Coos Bay this morning - a 25 mile drive,  north of Bandon - just to sit in the Starbucks here  with the laptop, write, and feel anonymous again, to find the small pleasure of the urban experience that I find comfort in.  This is the first holiday time of year that my family is truly split up.   Michelle in her new life somewhere  - in California I think, Mara in Austin TX, Jana in Philadelphia PA,  and me here.      I feel like I am the only one who hungers for my family.    I understand Jana and Mara being in their 20s and in th